I know it's a small picture, but here's a current snapshot of my Handmade board over at Pinterest where I've been collecting tutorials of things I'm hoping to make one day.
Ever since I discovered the world of handmade, I have been in awe of all the incredibly talented people out there who create such beautiful things with their own two hands.
Right away, I wanted to be a part of that. I love that "handmade" represents hard work and creativity. I enjoy working with my hands. And I love beautiful things. Trouble is, I'm not very good at putting the two together. But seeing other people's work inspires me to give myself a chance to try and make something.
If they can do it, why can't I, right?
Isn't Pinterest great? Such a fantastic spot to be inspired!
ReplyDeleteI have quite the collection growing on my pinterest too. I am not the craftiest person and would love to do some of the things I am finding. I am so glad they make tutorials to do stuff because I am lost without them haha.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya! There are so many amazing things out there and the talent is just incredible!
ReplyDeletehello my dear!
ReplyDeletehandmade doesn't have to mean creating a product. think of cooking or decorating a room, planning a day trip. anything you can dream of with your heart & soul is handmade. XO
i like the new design. that's handmade too :)
ReplyDeleteyes, yes pinterest rocks!! and YES you can! I think sometimes the hardest part of "handmade" is being inspired and you definitely have that :) to handmade!
ReplyDeleteI am very new to Pinterest and already love it so much! I, too, have a list of 'to-makes'! You can do it! (Note: the feeling you get from making anything you put your heart into, is addicting.) ;-)
ReplyDeleteisn't the handmade world ahhhh-mazing! i mean who ever knew? i had definitely missing out.
ReplyDeleteHi! I feel the same way about the handmade world. Like it was this secret little amazing society :) Love it!
ReplyDeleteCame over from Gussy Sews. Now following!