Before our trip, we gathered a list of must-dos from our Australian friends.
One of the attractions of Byron Bay is watching the sunrise. Byron Bay just happens to be where the most easterly point in Australia is. In other words, this is where the light first hits when the sun rises in the morning. Of course, I couldn't miss out on that so we made sure we were up at 6am and out before the sun on our first morning.
As we drove out, the first light was just starting to creep out over the town.
It just so happens that the Byron Bay lighthouse, another local attraction, sits right beside the eastern tip. That's where we watched the sunrise.
From the lighthouse, there's a trail for you to hike out to see the ocean and beach below.

When we walked out, we happen to see some surfers catching the first waves of the day, and some whales swimming out in the ocean.
How awful does my hair look here? It was so windy that morning. And did I mention that we got up at 6am?
Before 7am, we had already checked 4 things off our to-do list so we spent the rest of the day relaxing on the beach and taking leisurely strolls through town.

I'm so glad our new beach mat was just large enough for Caleb to move around on. Sure beats trying to hold him still all day. I love it so much I might try to get my hands on another one for our next trip.
Nathan got really into taking jumping photos. One of his favourite poses: the ninja pose.

We took a quick break from the beach to wander through the little shops.

On our way back to the beach, we stopped by the gelato shop for a little treat. Nathan chose a blood orange gelato. Andrew and I got some milkshakes. Yum!
Then, we settled on the beach again for Nathan to play a little while longer before we watched the sun set.
It was a beautiful day.
Quick recap of things to do in Byron Bay:
Watch the sunrise.
Visit the lighthouse.
Whale watching (bonus points for not having to pay to join a whale-watching tour!).
Watch people surf.
Chill out on the beach.
Take a stroll through town.
Watch the sunset.
Next up, things to eat in Byron Bay.
love the picture of nathan mid-air.. AND the one of caleb with nathan in the background :)