
Friday, November 25, 2011

5 For Friday

1. I am so thankful and grateful that Andrew's school year is over. It's been so nice to have him at home to help out with Caleb. And the house hunting. Want to know how great he is? This morning, he hopped right out of bed (like, literally) at 6am and cleaned our shower (what?!) and our vacuum cleaner that's been giving us trouble, before getting Nathan up and ready and bringing him to school. And I didn't roll out of bed with Caleb until lunch time. Seriously. I'm pretty sure I have the best husband in the world.

2. I didn't get to do any Black Friday shopping this year, which I suppose I should see as a good thing. Less shopping means less money spent and less stuff to move.

3. The house seems a little quieter tonight because Nathan's at his first non-family sleepover. After having dinner with his friend's family this evening at Grill'd, Nathan took his little monkey backpack full of sleepover "stuff" and went home with them in their car. I wish I took a picture of him with his backpack. And I forgot to say goodnight to him before we left. And the back seat looked emptier without his seat there. How did my baby grow up so quickly?

4. We're heading to Byron again tomorrow with Nathan's friend and his family. Nathan will be riding in their car and I bet he won't want to come back to ours because they've got the built-in DVD player and an iPad, and we have snacks... that Andrew always asks for some of... Hmmm.

5. I'm a little stuck with getting birthday and Christmas presents! What do we get the boys? Need some suggestions here!

1 comment:

  1. yah for the sleep over!!! am sure he had fun

    as for getting my nieces aged 2 and 4 a ride on toy and a scooter!!! its all about moving this christmas!!!



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