
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Live Brave | May

April was an overwhelming month, which is why I'm sneaking this post in two days late - I didn't even get a chance to think about setting goals for this new month.

I managed to complete half of my goals.

I spent plenty of time with the boys since they were home for almost 3 of the 4 weeks last month. Some parents dread school holidays and having the kids home, but we had a good time these past holidays. Sure, there was a good deal of arguing and sulking but overall, it was enjoyable.

While the boys were playing, I managed to clear out one of my workspaces but there's still quite a bit of reorganizing that needs to be done. I'm also looking ahead and packing up some of my stuff in anticipation of possibly moving again at the end of the year.

I didn't, however, become an early bird. In fact, I probably lost a lot more sleep this month due to the fact that I spent all my days out with the boys so was only able to focus on work after they went to bed. This meant late nights and relatively early mornings since Caleb still likes to wake up at 6:30, but he's kind enough to let me stay in bed until about 7 or so.

In a way, April's goals were a bit of a bust but that's okay. One of the beauties about setting these goals for myself is that I may not complete them within the timeline I set for myself, but if it's something I still want to achieve, I can continue working towards that goal anyway.

That said, May will be about slowing things down. This is not something I particularly like doing because my mind is full of projects and ideas that I want to bring to life and I don't like to waste precious time resting. I constantly want to be doing something, but I really need to catch my breath and refocus on what is important to me and what I want to do.

May's goals

1. I've been wanting to update my blog for ages but I never have time to so even if I change just one thing this month, I'll be happy.

2. Burning candles make me feel relaxed and warm, simple as that.

3. Even if I refuse to admit it, I am tired and I need rest.

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