
Monday, January 5, 2015

Grow | One Little Word 2015

I started doing One Little Word in 2012 and for the past 3 years, I've been choosing a word to focus on each year: commit, embrace, brave. Each of those words represented the challenges and experiences I was expecting for the year ahead.

This year, I had a really hard time settling on a word. Looking forward into the year, I wanted something that would remind me to have strength, to move forward and to adapt to all the changes we'll be experiencing this year. Finally, I settled on grow.

In 2015, I want to grow into my new role as a mom of three while growing out of old routines and habits as Andrew begins his internship. It's going to be tricky balancing three little individuals with drastically different levels of independence and needs, but I'm determined to make it work. I'm going to have to make it work, with Andrew working the hours he will be working this year. Before the school holidays, I would have thought this would be no problem for sure. But now that the boys have been extremely over-stimulated and our rules and routines have been ignored for far too long from having visitors and all the festive excitement, this will definitely be a long-term, challenging goal to achieve. I'm hoping we can tone things back down before Baby #3 comes. Like, way down.

In 2015, I want to watch my kids as they grow, and support them as they do. The past couple years, I've spent a lot of one-on-one time with Caleb while supporting Nathan from the sidelines (soccer, swimming, school events, etc.). I'm looking for ways to even things out a bit this year now that Caleb is older and more ready for extracurricular activities. My biggest challenge is finding one-on-one time with Nathan since he's the one who's usually at playdates or after school activities. And then when Baby #3 comes, it'll all change again but I'm looking forward to seeing how the three of them all grow together.

In 2015, I want to grow. Period. I have a long list of books I'd like to read and an even longer list of skills that I'd love to develop. Most of them are creative, some of them are practical and others just for fun. The important thing here is to stop thinking about what I could be doing, and just do it. Give it a try. If it doesn't work out, oh well, move on.

Sometimes growing takes time and a lot of hard work. Other times, it's fast and effortless. Either way, I'm looking forward to see how I grow this year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Btsoi,

    Happy 2015!

    I like the way how you chose a word to work ahead a new year. Hope you will reap the rewards when everything grow well by the end of 2015 :D

    Nice to know you via blogging. Hope that you don't mind that I asked if you are interested to win prizes from Alfa One rice bran oil. Hop over to my blog and say hi! Hope that I can hear from you soon :D




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