
Friday, July 4, 2014

Conversations with Nathan

I find it hard to have conversations with Nathan, especially light-hearted ones. Usually, I'll ask a question and he'll go on the weirdest tangents, coming up with the wildest situations without actually replying to my original thought. The kid has a healthy sense of imagination and creativity, that's for sure. But Nathan's a thinker and sometimes, when we're near each other, lost in our own thoughts, he'll randomly drop these little nuggets of truth that warm my heart.

Here are a few recent favourites:

In the car, on the way to school one morning after I had a particularly frustrating night of feeling inadequate (even though I'd never tell him that): Mom, this is what equals happy. Positive emotions plus fun times equals happy.

Making a spot for himself in the sand, setting up his loom band kit: You know what, mom? This is the good life.

In the car, on the way home from Alexandra Headlands. This was also the day his friend from school left to go back to the States: I'm so glad I live here and have a good family. I have a good brother, a very funny, storytelling dad and a hardworking mom. 

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