
Monday, July 7, 2014

Out of the Box

Every year, we try to go to the Out of the Box Festival because it encourages the boys to be creative and grow their imagination. I love that they get to see creative expression in so many different, age appropriate ways. We managed to make it out on the last day of the festival this year. 

Nathan was invited to watch a live performance with his friend so Caleb and I spent the morning leisurely wandering from station to station. He didn't feel like taking part in any of the activities, but I convinced him to make a wish at the Wishing Tree.

My sweet little guy wished for ice cream.

Then he carefully chose an open spot on the line to hang his wish. He lingered for a while, asking to see his wish a few more times before we finally moved on.

We moved on to the Gong Garden where we explored different gongs from around the world. Caleb
took a few quick swings at the big gongs, but he didn't make a huge racket like he does at home. We ran into Nathan and his buddy in the gardens and headed out to lunch.

Before we left, Nathan went to make one last wish at the Wishing Tree.

"I wish for an age where humans and dragons meet."

Only one of their wishes came true that day, but I don't think Nathan minded one bit.

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